~Social Media Consultant~

Hi! If you've made your way to my website, it's probably because you're looking for social media help.
In that case, welcome, and let me tell you a little bit about myself and what I do.
I've always loved writing and creating, from the first time I discovered a book and the wonders it could hold.
That led me on a circuitous career path. It started with studying English Lit at the University of Pennsylvania; inspired me to start the only women-run beer blog as the craft beer movement was first emerging in Philly; and took me on a ten-year journey as a marketer for local arts spaces.
That urge to create kept up. Which is why I created my own business, as a Social Media Consultant working with other small-to-midsized businesses with an equal urge to create. Together, we work towards building better brands, fostering deeper and more meaningful relationships with customers, and most importantly telling their stories through the wonderful and ever-evolving medium that is social media.